martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

The Selling of Joseph, 1700

In addition ot being an important merchant in Boston, Massachusetts, Samuel Sewell had also been a judge during the Salem witch trials, which he later regretted and made a public apology. In 1697 he wrote a track against the slave trade, amking "The Selling of Joseph one of the first antislavery publications in America.

Read the article provided in class and answer the following questions.
1. Who was Joseph?

2. Why does Sewell believe white servants would be better in the long run?

3. Explain the dangers Sewell foresees in the practice of slavery.

4. Personal Opinion based on the last question: Was he right?

7 comentarios:

  1. 1.Who was Joseph?

    joseph was a brother of 2 others.they were jealous of him so they sold him to slavery.

    2.Why does Sewell believe white servants would be better in the long run?

    ~Ashley ,continiued in another comment

  2. 1. joseph was a youngest of 12, his brothers sold him.
    2. He thinks that if you have a white servants for a period of time it would be better in the long run. he thinks that the black servants, because they have to work for their whole life and were treated without respect, would get too run down and wouldn't work as hard or do as much.

    3. They are not treated with respect, they may rise up. i'm not quite sur where he talked about this, and i didn't really understand the reading.

    4.? based on above i think so, i'm not sure though.

  3. 1. Who was Joseph?
    Joseph was a younger brother/son out of 12 kid. He's known for being sold into slavery by his very own brothers
    2. Why does Sewell believe white servants would be better in the long run?
    He thinks that they could a lot more work done because the black servants would become weary after so much work for such a long period of time that the work that they'd get done would decrease.
    3. Explain the dangers Sewell foresees in the practice of slavery.
    Basically Rebellion. He thought that the slaves could possibly realize their numbers over the whites and rebel.
    4. Personal Opinion based on the last question: Was he right?
    Yes, I believe that he was right because there have been, as we look back on history, a lot of slave rebellions where the slaves eventually got tired of taking crap from people who they outnumbered. Therefore the slaves would take action. So I think that he was right

  4. Whitney Burney ^^^^^^
    The one above is mine
    Thank you

  5. 1. Who was Joseph?
    He was a man sold into slavery by his own brothers.

    2. Why does Sewell believe white servants would be better in the long run?
    He thinks white servants would work better in the long run because the African slaves would eventually grow tired of working for so long.

    3. Explain the dangers Sewell foresees in the practice of slavery.
    He saw that eventually, the slaves would get sick of working and rebel against the white men.

    4. Personal Opinion based on the last question: Was he right?
    Yeah. Eventually, there was a lot of slave rebellion. They had just been worked too hard for too long.


  6. 1. Joseph was a man who was sold into slavery, by his brothers.
    2. He thought this because he thought that white servants would work better that african slaves
    3. He thought that they would rebell against the white because they were treated badly
    4. Yes, i think that alot of slaves had no other choice but to be treated baldy or to try to escaep

  7. the one above is Javier
